
Issue [MusicXML] first-fret tag not supported for fretboard diagrams
Issue Add Contributing guidelines in the source code
Issue Glissando playback (portamento) issue
Issue [MusicXML import] fretboard frets property not saved in MuseScore format
Issue Importing colored lyrics from MusicXML works only for first line (number="1")
Issue [MusicXML import] [3.6.0 regression] several strings are incorrectly shown as unplayed
Issue Rests in rhythmic slash notation not offset
Issue Voice 2 note stems face wrong way when noteheads made invisible
Issue [MusicXML export] Invalid MusicXML will be generated if exported sheet contains tied cue notes
Issue Many percussions elements/sounds are not getting translated in status bar and Edit Drumset dialog
Issue Tablature fingering order not always correct
Issue Shift-selecting lyrics doesn't work with last word
Issue Unexpected tieing behaviour
Issue Copying a partial measure leaves rest(s) missing in voices 2-4
Issue slur and grace notes (acciaccatura) fails
Issue Unexpected tieing behaviour
Issue Copying a partial measure leaves rest(s) missing in voices 2-4
Issue [TAB] Conflict between fret/number 5 and shortcut "Add parentheses to element" (AZERTY)
Issue Glissando tab layout and style minTieLength
Issue Glissando tab layout and style minTieLength
Issue Volta/Ottava/Pedal lines disappear when switching language
Issue Brackets for Voltas disappeared
Issue MusicXML import detect corrupted file when the file is minified
Issue MusicXML import detect corrupted file when the file is minified
Issue System Text Line missing in existing parts when added via drag&drop to non-top staff
Issue System Text Line missing in existing parts when added via drag&drop to non-top staff
Issue Changing key signature with the Change Instruments function and transposing instruments lead to a crash under certain circumstances
Issue Changing key signature with the Change Instruments function and transposing instruments lead to a crash under certain circumstances
Issue Rests grouped incorrectly after adding 256th note or smaller
Issue Capo settings applied via staff text do not affect chord symbol playback